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Find our media policies and press request information here.

Media Requests:

Any press requests, including comments or general inquiries, can be submitted to our organization email: [email protected]

Any and all media requests will be reviewed on an individual basis. CRs at UVA reserves the right to fulfill or deny any requests made.

Statements, quotations, interviews and any other type of communication from anyone other than members of our Executive Board do not represent the official positions and/or opinions of CRs at UVA. 

Press Overview

We are the official chapter of the College Republicans at the University of Virginia. We represent the College Republican Federation of Virginia as well as the Republican Party of Virginia. We are known for our excellence in voter contact, campus outreach, hosting high-profile speakers, and training bright political minds. 


Throughout the years, we have been very active in countless different political campaigns, from local offices to presidential. We as a chapter put in thousands of campaign hours during the state election cycle and intend to continue in the next midterms. 

Photo Usage:

Any photos found on our website may be used by media outlets. Photos originally posted by CRs at UVA on social media may also be used by media outlets. All photos must be properly cited when reproduced.

Media outlets may send requests for usage of any photo that does not fall under the above-mentioned guidelines to our Director of Communications, Alexa Mosley, at [email protected]. These photos are not permitted to be redistributed to a third party unless otherwise stated.

All media outlets must credit CRs at UVA with proper photo credits. Photos may not be used in any way that may possibly misrepresent the original intent, they many not be defaced or be deceptively cropped or edited in any way, shape or form.

Social Media:

Follow us on social media @crsatuva




Only original posts made by our chapter represent our opinions and positions. Likes, retweets and shares do not equal any endorsement unless otherwise stated. 

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